The Mediterranean Diet: This Week's Menu, Products and Principles

In the mid-20th century, nutritionists sounded the alarm about the increasing number of patients suffering from overweight and cardiovascular disease.

An analysis of the nutrition of residents of European countries found that residents of Mediterranean countries were less obese and in good health. What's the secret? Special nutrition for the inhabitants of these areas. It consists only of fresh products. The second secret is olive oil and wine.

According to the findings, they are required for the production of hormones that regulate cellular metabolism and prevent the development of serious diseases. American doctors firmly believe that this nutrition is a way of life that will allow you to lose weight, not immediately, but forever.

Foods of the Mediterranean Diet

Basic principles of the Mediterranean diet and which foods are preferred

This is a special diet based on products from 16 Mediterranean countries. It includes dishes from Spain, Italy and Greece. The menus of residents of these countries mainly include the following products: nuts, fatty fish, unlimited fruits and vegetables, beans, grains, herbs, dairy products, dry wine, cheese, olive oil. Prioritize natural plant-based foods and protein intake within the normal range.

You need to eat 5 times a day. Eat only fresh fruit between meals. Prioritize carbohydrates for breakfast. It can be pita bread, bread baked with whole wheat flour, durum wheat pasta. Carbohydrates provide healthy energy and help you stay alert throughout the day. Instead, dinner should be light and include vegetables and protein-rich foods. These include: fish, lean meat, eggs.

It is also recommended to consume up to 1 kg of vegetables per day. They can be cooked or eaten raw. Allowed foods include carrots, cabbage, potatoes and zucchini. Be sure to include beans and grains in your diet.

A glass of red wine is allowed with lunch or dinner. You should drink 7-8 glasses of water a day, preferably before meals. Nutrition can be adjusted. For example, replace olive oil with pumpkin or corn oil. Choose seasonal fruit.

Cook fish and seafood up to 3 times a week. Meat should be limited. Rabbit, lean pork slices or beef are allowed at 100 grams per serving. Bread uses only whole grains.

A week of Mediterranean diet menus and what they contain

You can change the order of the day, mainly to keep the order of meals.

on Monday

  • Breakfast: bread, jam, unsweetened tea.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat kefir.
  • Lunch: Vegetable stew with beans.
  • Second afternoon snack: a cup of plain yogurt, cheese and bread.
  • Dinner: Fish stew with rice, boiled.


  • Breakfast: low-fat kefir, cereal.
  • First afternoon snack: olives, fish salad.
  • Lunch: Stewed vegetables and pasta.
  • Second afternoon snack: boiled eggs, herbal tea.
  • Dinner: Bread - 1 slice, cheese, tomatoes, a glass of wine.


  • Breakfast: whole wheat bread with cheese, tea with a spoonful of honey.
  • First snack: 1 cup plain yogurt.
  • Lunch: Tuna salad, olives.
  • Afternoon snack: 3 tablespoons. l. Cereal, herbal tea.
  • Dinner: Chicken, rice, apples, wine.


  • Breakfast: bread, low-fat cottage cheese - 2 tablespoons. l. Herbal tea.
  • First snack: 1 cup plain yogurt.
  • Lunch: Fish stew with vegetables.
  • Second afternoon snack: apples, 0. 5 bananas.
  • Dinner: Minced meat pasta, honey green tea.


  • Breakfast: 2 loaves of bread, 25 grams of cheese, green tea.
  • First afternoon snack: fermented roasted milk or kefir.
  • Lunch: Chicken with vegetables.
  • Second afternoon snack: Muesli with sliced fruit 0. 5 cup.
  • Dinner: Fresh vegetables, wine-baked salmon, herbal tea.


  • Breakfast: Low-fat cottage cheese - 2 tablespoons. l. , green tea with honey.
  • The first snack: plain yogurt.
  • Lunch: tuna pasta, green tea.
  • Second afternoon snack: Natural Juice - 1 cup, bread.
  • Dinner: Vegetable porridge.


  • Breakfast: Freshly squeezed juice, bread - 2 pieces, 1 apple.
  • First afternoon snack: tuna salad, olives.
  • Lunch: 100 grams of boiled beef, 75 grams of rice, herbal tea.
  • Afternoon snack: kefir, 3 tablespoons of cereal. l.
  • Dinner: a glass of red wine, grilled fish.

The Mediterranean diet is based on the complete elimination of refined oils, foods containing flavors, preservatives, and trans fats.

Dishes suitable for the Mediterranean diet

What are the benefits of the Mediterranean diet? What are the benefits of foods that go with this diet?

It is impossible to pick out the most effective products in the food system. Only complex nutrition is beneficial. It keeps you fit longer and increases your life expectancy by 12 years. Reduce the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

The body's resistance to atherosclerosis and tumors increases. Weight normalization. Unlike other diets, the weight you lose won't come back.

The Mediterranean diet is great for pregnancy. This will help reduce your child's risk of allergies and asthma. The healing properties of olive oil are very important nutritionally. It lowers cholesterol and prevents the formation of plaque in the arteries.

Greens improve their taste in food and reduce the effects of free radicals with the help of antioxidant properties. Seafood is a major source of omega-3 acids. They prevent inflammation, thin the blood and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, increasing their elasticity.

A variety of fruits and vegetables provide the body with all the nutrients and minerals it needs. The Mediterranean diet is the prevention of spine and joint diseases.

Contraindications to the Mediterranean Diet

At the height of obesity, the Mediterranean diet does not work. This requires a radical approach to weight loss. Not recommended for people with gastrointestinal ulcers. Because of the high amount of fiber-rich foods in her diet. Not suitable for people allergic to seafood.

If there are no contraindications, you can start eating right. This will help you stay young and enjoy life at all times.